what a weekend
I'm a mother,a wife,an archer,a spinner/knitter,and a friend. This blog is about my life and what happens in it.The good, the bad and the boring.
well let me just say being back to work sucks big time. I was soo tired after 10.5 hours monday and 9.5 yesterday I came home crabby like really crabby I was snapping at everyone. I started supper and went to fold laundry, nice warm towels, well I hugged one of those nice warm towels and out I went. Ray said he came in to ask me if I was eating and I was sound asleep so he just left me until he came to bed and told me to get under the covers.
wow am I glad I didnt try to go back to work today. I did get the ok to go back Monday but let me tell you about this morning. Ray got up went to work, Mike has the day off teachers workshop or something. So I get up around 8 and go pee and the floor is wet mmm well Ray did take a shower this morning but I hear water running I look sink is off check shower off check so I kneel down and look in the hole that goes into the closet where the hot water tank is and holy shit water everywheres. now remember we live in a trailer and the hot water tank is in the back of the spare room closet behind a false wall, So I run to the spare room and open the door, we keep it closed since we dont use it and got hit with a wall of steam damn everything is dripping like a sauna. I holler to michael get me the phone and get in here. I open the window and start handing Mike cloths from the closet to get out, everything is damp and I called Ray in full panic mode thinking the tank blew up. once I get into the closet I dont know how to shut the water off I know the main shut off is outside behind a pile of snow under the house. I hopped in the truck and went to the main park office and begged a park maint guy to come over he said only if you breathe first and stop panicking it cant be that bad. So he came over and shut the valve off inside by the tank. then ray came home and my stepdad came over, I called the calvery thinking the worse. we figure out its a fitting and a pipe thats the good news but we dont know what we are doing so we decided to call a plumber instead of screwing with it, the income tax money we planned on using for doors and a lawnmower are still in the bank. I took us 10 calls before we found someone that would even look at a mobile home the pipes are plastic so nobody wants to touch them. The guys that came over were great it took them half and hour and one length of pipe a couple of fitting and $85 dollars later we now have hot water that is not all over my floor. Ray used the wetvac and cleaned the mess before going back to work. Now that everyone is gone I can finally sit down and breath I feel like its 5pm already I am burnt out so I'm going to rest being back to work next week is going to be tough.
ok what a morning already. I went for an interview at my dream job this morning I really hate interviews I get so nervous I sweat and ramble on and on. It was a tough one too I think the hardest question was have you ever protected yourself in selfdefense. and the answer is Yes against my ex husband I hope that doesnt hurt me because another question was if you took these three calls what order would you dispatch them in and one was a domestic violence call vs a cut finger vs a car accident. it brings alot of emotion and passion from me and I ramble. shit I hope I didnt fuck this up. hey I was honest about the last time I smoked dope or done drugs I should get some brownie points for that. oh well I have one more interview next week maybe that will be better its hard to practice because you dont get the nerves practicing as you do when there.
well not much going on yesterday and I dont have anything planned for today.
Peanut butter egg mmmm Kat they are sooooo good.
for those that dont know Kat and I have been best friends since like forever well the last couple of years my DH and I have gone to her parents house every snowstorm to shovel them out. We dont ask for money but mom pays us in food glorious food. So this weekend when Ray went down he picked up a batch of peanut butter eggs mmmm and a box of peanut butter fudge his favorite and some muffins for breakfast since she knows I'm not feeling to good to be cooking Thanks mom check this out.
onto spinning and knitting news. the last few months I have been spinning up a storm See. There are 8 balls there with a little over 200 yards in each I am planning on making this Gansey sweater for Ray. I told him the only catch was if it came out good and I'm really hoping it does I want to enter it in the fairs this fall. He was ok with that so after I finish my grandmothers cape which I'm sure she will hate that is my next project.
oh and I have to thank Jeannie. I had bought the pattern online and realized I didnt have the glossary for interweave to go with it. So I put out a call on knittyboard looking for the 2004 fall interweave book and she had it. I got it last week and in return send her a half pound of salt water taffe from dickinsons candy shop of course I had to buy some for myself too. I got it sent out to her on Friday after I got out of the hospital. I'm just glad Ray and Mike didnt eat it all on me.
Well my dad is surposed to take me out for breakfast I hope soon I'm starved not that the eggs werent filling. talk to you later
hee hee want to see my belly the yellow arrows are pointing to the holes the put in me to get my gallbadder out what pretty colors they are now. the one on the far left (my right) had the drain in it until Wednesday man that hurt like hell when he took it out.
I think I'm gonna try this blogging thing again. I spent last week in the hospital after getting my gallbladder out on Monday and it got me thinking I really, really want to re-connect with some of my old friends. Another friend is moving away and its really depressing me so now I'm on the hunt for the friends I had growing up. I'm courious what are you up to, are you ok, do you have a family, am I the only one stuck in Maine anymore. I am happily married and love my life but I often wonder what happened to the people I used to hang around with. The only one I really have contact with is Kat we have never not been friends but where did everyone else go?