Week in review and its only Tuesday.
I have been a busy beaver since last Friday let me tell you that.
Ray was going to go ice fishing Saturday but when he went to brush his teeth and there was no water. Michael was actually happy about it the little shit, he was being punished for not behaving at school last week and wasnt going to be allowed to go and now daddy wasnt going so Michael didnt feel so bad even though I did drag him around with me all day running errands. We borrowed a heater from a guy at work and got the pipes unfrozen around 9. Then Mike and I ran around visiting and getting shit stuff done.
Sunday Ray did go ice fishing and took Michael so I had the day off and man did I need it after having him all day saturday. they got home around 1, I made 4 pans of apple, chocolate chip cakes to bring to cubscouts we went to the fire/pd for a visit the pd had eaten almost the entire pan before we even left.
Yesterday was great I only had to work 4 hours then drove to NH to pick up Kat. I found the place 5 minutes before the plane landed it was soooo good to see my best friend again its been way to long. Last time I saw her she had just had surgery and was in ICU this time she was my kat full of piss and vinigar as usual we have so much funny people watching and let me tell you there were some guys at the airport well worth watching. I hope the cold weather doesnt bother her to bad that would suck. The boys have grown soo much I cant wait to see them Saturday we are going snow tubing.
and to make the day end well I stopped and got the mail and had a package from my secret pal now see she made my experience great the package had everything I could want. hand cream and spray which I use alot on my psoriasis, and some great yarn and patterns I'll tell you more tonight when I can get home and take some pictures this stuff is sooo pretty its hard to describe without photos. and listen to this my pal is from Maine how lucky am I. she is Julie from jujuknits
and she has been a great pal I'm hoping she is going to spa next month so I can meet her.
Thanks Julie for making sp9 fun.
unfortunatly today is starting off kind sucky. I woke up feeling crappy but I never call in to work so that wasnt an option. its weird yesterday one of my fingernails almost broke completlely off I discovered I have psoriasis under my nail that sucks by itselft and today my joints HURT I hope I dont end up with psoriatic arthritis (sp) thats all I need but this is making me wonder. I'm hoping its just the cold outside I put my new fingerless mittens on and an extra jacket. My fingers, shoulders, neck and one knee are killing me.
I better get back to work have a great day I'll take pictures of my sp package tonight and probably just tack them onto this post and I'll be sure to get lots of photos of the boys snowtubing on Saturday.
edited wednesday morning:
I added a picture of the great stuff my secret Pal JUJU sent. it has a felt lined mitten kit that is really cool I had never seen it done that way before and think its something even I can do and a sock kit with simple easy to read instructions. and she got the smell just right with spray and lotion from body shop. I tell you what I have never in my life used as much cream as I have been lately trying to keep my psoriasis moist when it drys out it hurts.
Again thank you Secret Pal and hey let me know where exactly in Windham that new yarn shop is we are going that way Saturday and I want to stop there after snowtubing.