Mainiax: October 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

ahh hunting we will go a hunting we will go

So tomorrow is opening day of hunting season and we are ready kinda. I had to work tonight and I can only stay out half a day because I have to work tomorrow but thats ok maybe I will get lucky. Michael is coming up in the tree stand for the first time this year no more ground hunting for us. Meme bought him a kids harness to be safe we wouldnt let him up without it.
But let me tell you I picked a great week to start going to the gym. Tuesday I did a spinning class, Wednesday kickboxing, Thurs and Friday I did 1.5 miles on the treadmill then either road the bike or did the epilitical thing. Tomorrow I have to climb 15 feet up a tree and my legs are so sore I can barely walk. But I will never admit this to Ray nope I'm gonna suck it up and get the biggest deer I hope.
Well I'm beat and have to be on the road for 4:30 am keep your fingers crossed for me.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend of FUN!!

on our way to Rhinebeck we stopped at Webs and bought a few things. This is my little stash I got a bunch of cashsilk for 3.99 a ball and a few other thinks to play with
Then we were on our way to Melody's cousins. After dinner Bristol started to teach me to make socks. Two at once from the toe up. A couple of weeks ago we dyed sock blanks and that is what I am using on size 1 yes 1 needles the smallest I have every used. Here is what I have done so far.
The next morning when I got up the early bird that I am woke Everyone up and said lets go lets go and we went. Here I am at Rhinebeck
and this is my stash I got 4 different sock yarns, those should last awhile since I'm just learning. the three beautiful braids of roving to the left that I am going to make a 3 ply with and then decide what to make. the big bump is a mystery bump have no idea what that will be and that is half the fun. and the two on top I think I'm going to make a chest warmer or another word for vest out of them.

oh and before I forget did you see the new little wheels the man was selling in the big building. Well Portland Fiber Gallery will be the dealer from them in Maine, Melody bough one to play with its the coolest little thing we all loved it.

And check out this treefrog isnt it the cute I just had to take a picture of it.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Weekend Away

to Rhinebeck we will go, to Rhinebeck we will go hi ho the dairy oh to Rhinebeck we will go. Can you tell I'm excited I'm sitting here waiting for my friends to pick me up because I'm not driving another yea for me. and we will be on our way to Webs then tomorrow to Rhinebeck, no kids or hubbys just us girls and building after building of fiber glorious fiber. I have been looking forward to this for months and months I put in for this weekend off the day I got hired at my new job and told them this is my one big trip a year and I will not miss it for anything but death in the close family only. We are staying with Melody's cousin so that is a savings this year no hotel but I would have slept in my car if I had to. I may not buy much as I dont need much but just being around so many people that have the same things in common and dont think I'm crazy for loving fiber as much as I do alone is worth the trip. Ok time to check and make sure I didnt forget anything again before I go I'll take lots of pictures and report back on Monday.

Oh and did I tell you as of Monday I go back on second shift it was so slow on third I think it hurt me more than helped with my training just no enough call volume to get much done. but thats another story Later Gator

Thursday, October 09, 2008

disappearing blog roll

blogrolling disappeared and I don't have a back up program and lost everyones links please help me. I need a new blog roll to use and I re-need your blog link. You can email it to me if you want. Mainiax at G mail dot com.

thanks a bunch.

other good news one more week at midnights and I go back to second shift which is much much much busier the boss wanted me to learn radios on nights and it has been so slow I'm really behind the other person that is training now like a month of dispatching behind which sucks because I cant get OT until I'm completely trained. oh well what are you going to do.