Mainiax: September 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008


My sweater won first place for homespun/handknit and it won the Judges pick it was in a special case and everything. We got to the fair early to have Michaels bunny tattoo'd and Ray went for a walk he came back a few minutes later and said Hey I have to show you something come with me for a minute. I didn't think the building was even open yet and there it was I was so excited I almost cried and of course everyone I wanted to call and tell about it didn't answer their phones isn't that always the way.

Michael did very well also for his first show. Michael won the youth angora and got second in the overall french angora competition with the adults. The judge just said she needed a little more meat on her hips she has a beautiful coat. the adult competition was tough he kept going back and forth with her and another jr. doe. oh my god if one more person asked if she was able to be bred yet. Damn. I need a pure french brown boy LOL not. When I took the picture in front of the sign he had just lost the youth best in show and was pretty sad. Next Sunday he is entered in the pet rabbit and guinea pig show. That should be alot easier for him. I'll take many more pictures I'm sure.

Friday, September 26, 2008

sweaters, shawls and fairs

I cant believe its been a few weeks since I've posted Third shift is a killer. so let me catch you up. I entered MeMe's shawl in the Cumberland fair and got third the weird thing is I couldnt find the shawl that got second kinda odd. here is a picture its the dark purple one in the middle
Last Saturday night I went to work at 9pm got out Sunday morning and went to the fair with Ray, Mike and Meme I wanted to see how I did and Mike wanted to go on rides. By 3pm on no sleep I was sooo done and it got warm out so that didnt help me stay awake. Glad Ray was there to drive us home.

Last week I finally finished Ray's sweater I have been working on it since finishing Memes. I spun all the fiber and worked my fingers off to finish it in time for the Fryeburg Fair, Now the problem was the times to drop it off were Thursday day, Friday all day or Saturday am and what was my schedule I had to work Wed,Thur and Friday nights mmmm can I drive up there to drop it off on no sleep its only 1.5 hours each way. I was nervous so I email the super nice lady that is in charge and told her my situation she was great and let me drop it off Wednesday morning she was going to be there cleaning for a few hours in the am. It worked out perfect Michael was out of school for teachers workshop so he road up with me to keep me company or should say kept me away saying "are we there yet?" two hundred times. It was neat seeing the fair being set up. Then I dropped him off at daycare, came home took a nap and went to work. The next week is going to be another crazy one. Sunday we have to be at the fair with the bunny at 7:30 am(remember 1.5 hour drive Yawn) so she can get tattooed to enter in the contest. then we want to walk around for a minute and of course see how Rays sweater did. We have to be back on the road at 2 so Ray and Mike can go on a hike with the scouts. I have to work Mon,Tues,Wed and Thurs nights. Go back to the fair next Sunday for the kids bunny contest and then up on Monday to pick the sweater up. and do you know what I get if I actually win 9 dollars LOL how do you like that 6 hours of driving to drop it off and pick it up, 6 hours driving to bring the bunny up twice just to win trophies. Man I must be crazy. Well after that is hunting season. I wish I saw an end in site but it is a long ways off at this point. I leave you now with some pictures of Rays sweater he is such a good sport about trying it on every time its 80 out, no wonder I love him so much. here is the making of rays sweater starting at the beginning
spinning spinning spinning, then two ply, wash and dry, then ball up the yarn, then start the body

the back is finished, then the front, then an arm. and finally two arms isnt it great. I told Ray he could only wear it at family function where it is 100 in the aunts house so I can show him oops the sweater off to everyone.


Sunday, September 07, 2008

well the surgery is over and why is it always me that ends up having problems after. Let me explain. The surgery went as planned on Wednesday the Dr. got the stone and is sending it out to be analyzed. When he was done he left a stint in to hold the tube between the kidney and bladder open because your body doesn't like strange things in it,it tends to swell and this stint was to hold things open. There was a string sticking out of me to pull in 3-4 days. So I go home around 11pm I feel wet really wet I go to the bathroom thinking its just a little leaking no big deal, I put a pad on, a towel on the bed and try to go back to sleep. As soon as I lay down the leaking turns into the faucet being turned on I cant stop the pee. I'm freaking out I go into the bathroom and sit down it wont stop so I call the Dr. he said the stint must have moved and opened the bladder door, just pull it out. OK if you say so this thing must have been a foot long and abracadabra the pee stops. I'm thinking there must be a catch, well there was.
Thursday morning I get up all is OK I run Ray a shirt he forgot he had to dress nice for some big shots coming to the company and I run up to my friend Lori's to pick up my rovings. While at Lori's I started getting crampy so I told her I had to go home. On my way the pain is getting worse and worse and worse. I didnt think I would make it to the house 15 minutes away. I get home take two percocetts and lay down its not going away at all. I call the Dr's office and they say go get an x-ray and come in umm lady I just took two perc and I'm alone I dont think I can walk let alone drive in this condition, so she puts me on hold and tells me to take a cab or ambulance to the hospital and they will let them know I'm coming. I called Ray bawling come and get meeeeee. When he gets me there I called my mommy to come since Ray had to get back to the meeting. They gave me a shot of something stronger than morphine wow that was nice. I was in so much pain by then that my entire body was trembling it was scary and much worse than the kidney stone ever was. we did an ultrasound and found no blockage but everything was enflamed and irritated re: original reason they put the stint in. The Dr decided to keep me over on morphine until the swelling went down and I was more comfy what a nice guy.
They let me out Friday afternoon. I have been vegging on the couch since, I had to call in to work last night I didnt think going in on drugs and making life or death decisions was a good idea. Today I felt a little better I drank half a bottle of fleet stuff yesterday and have been taking lots of stool softners and today I finally had a poop I know TMIF but besides it ripping me a new ass it felt wonderful after 5 days. I hope this is the first and last kidney stone I ever get.

I want to thank everyone for the well wishes if you could do same for my friend Kat she is going in for a major neck operation tomorrow(monday) hopefully this is the last of the many spine operations she has already gone through. I will be thinking of her all day. Good luck my friend.

Monday, September 01, 2008

fyi I have to go in wednesday Sept 3rd to have the kidney stone removed and as of right this second it fucken hurts again but I refuse to go to the ER I hope. I worked third shift last night just got home and in sooo much pain. and of course its a holiday the dr covering for my urologist said take two percisets and a hot tub to relief the pain so thats where I'm going wish me luck for wednesday ok.
