Mainiax: I WON, I WON, I WON

Sunday, September 28, 2008


My sweater won first place for homespun/handknit and it won the Judges pick it was in a special case and everything. We got to the fair early to have Michaels bunny tattoo'd and Ray went for a walk he came back a few minutes later and said Hey I have to show you something come with me for a minute. I didn't think the building was even open yet and there it was I was so excited I almost cried and of course everyone I wanted to call and tell about it didn't answer their phones isn't that always the way.

Michael did very well also for his first show. Michael won the youth angora and got second in the overall french angora competition with the adults. The judge just said she needed a little more meat on her hips she has a beautiful coat. the adult competition was tough he kept going back and forth with her and another jr. doe. oh my god if one more person asked if she was able to be bred yet. Damn. I need a pure french brown boy LOL not. When I took the picture in front of the sign he had just lost the youth best in show and was pretty sad. Next Sunday he is entered in the pet rabbit and guinea pig show. That should be alot easier for him. I'll take many more pictures I'm sure.


At 2:32 AM, Blogger queen said...

congrats on your wins! Good for you guys. That sweater is amazing. Are you going to spin angora fiber someday?


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