I know I haven’t posted in awhile but nothing really has been going on. Same old family stuff cub scouts, tae kwon do, junior choir, knitting and spinning same old, same old. We did get a new bed with our income taxes but that isnt to exciting.
I have a bunch of pictures to download off my camera and then put up but that’s for another day.
Today I have a couple of vents I realllly need to get off my chest.
First is my daughter what is it with teenagers that makes them such asses. Last week we heard we would be getting the money that my papa left the grand kids and great-grandkids, ok that’s great we weren’t thinking it was ever going to happen so of course last week I bought my daughter a laptop. She said her dad was going in half with me and would pay me by next month ok. I bought it believing her. Well I talk to him later in the week and he said I never told her that I told her it would be awhile before I could come up with the money. So that started it, she called me Thursday night and asked if I had my check yet, Nope why “well I need a new phone” ok that is fine, my meme called me later and said the person that was writing the check told her she got a call from my daughters grandmother that she lives with telling her to write the check to her since she raised J. NOT so I called and said to make the check out to J or her dad as she might have a hard time cashing it since she doesn’t have a bank account. Well Saturday we had the pine wood derby to go to with Mike and then were going to drive 2 hours to get new windows for the house. I get a call from Jamie that she got her check and would be over to watch Mike while we drove up after she went and bought a new phone, I’m like ok J. just don’t blow the money ok that is all there is and I asked if her dad was holding it she said very smartly No its my money I can spend it on what I want. I was like ok whatever its not worth fighting over. Ten minutes later I get a call from her dad asking what the F I just said to J. I’m like what are you talking about, now remember I’m at the cub scout thing watching Mike and am now being yelled at. He said listen I don’t appreciate you telling people that mom is a drunk and I’m a burnout. I said what the hell are you talking about then he said well J better get all the money she had in the will. “what will?” he says didn’t you go with your father and meme to read the will last week. I’m like no meme went to do the taxes and that’s it. This is all the money we are getting as far as I know. I get the whole that’s not what I heard routine. Boy is she going to be disappointed when there is nothing left and all she has to remember her papa by is a cell phone. So anyways we get home and wait for her to come watch Mike, she never showed, we drove up to get the windows and hurried back as we were All surposed to go to dinner at my moms and see my aunt that is up from Florida. I kept calling and texting her nothing, I call her dad and says I’ll get her, he never called back not a word so we went to dinner without her. I still haven’t talked to her this week she hasn’t called one. Ray and I were talking I think she is trying to play her dad and me against each other for some reason now that she has everything she wants.
Enough about her my good child is doing good on his new ADHD meds its really made a difference in tae kwon do this week he had testing and got two more stripes towards his blue belt. He didn’t win at the pine wood derby but he had fun.
Now the real rant, I’m at work and I’m ugly. The jerk I sit next to started with one of his I’m funny but only to myself things today. I got a bonus for signing something up its for 25 then after taxes it was $15 whole dollars. So I said jeesh what can I buy for 15 dollars and the jerk says not much you eat 15 dollars an hour don’t you. I’m like WHAT he said I don’t know if I would rather feed you or cloth you, you are eating all day everyday.
I got pissed and just walked away before I cococked him. I have a friggin disease where if I don’t eat small meals all day everything goes thru me and I get sick, I’m over weight so what at least I buy my own food and don’t eat everyones leftovers and complain all day about being hungry until someone else gives him food. I’m so mad I could scream.
About an hour later he came back and said sorry I was making a joke, I didn’t except it I told him I don’t think it was very funny at all. Go away.
So that is my news. Mike isn’t feeling well today I’m really hoping the school does call so I can go home and spend the day with him out of this place its noon now I don’t think its going to happen so I’m stuck here stirring.
Hope you are having a better week than me.