Mainiax: April 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008

the week from HE double LL busy

ok lets go over my week. Last weekend I went to my friend Jenny's to hang out knit and spin and the boys went fishing. They stopped over on their way home to visit and see the new lambs.
Sunday we went to church and cleaned the yard.
On Monday night we had tae kwon do. here is Michael doing his form. the actual testing for belts is in a couple of weeks but he had the kids show how much of their forms they already know. Mike just about nailed his form.

Tuesday we went to little league to find out what team Mike are on.
Wednesday back to tae kwon do.
Thursday we played baseball with the cub scouts it was so nice out we couldnt resist being outside.
Friday Mike didnt have school and I snuck out of work early and we went to the orthodontist for his first of many appointments, on the 28th he gets bands on, March first he gets the appliance and the 8th he gets his full braces. its funny how early they want to do them now but the theory is if they can widen his jaw now it will save him alot more work later. we then went to Shogun for dinner its a Japanese rest. that they cook the food on the griddle right in front of you Mike loved it my wallet didnt.
on Saturday we went to a small sheep and wool festival in Denmark they had a cool damn there and the boys were wishing they had brought their fishing poles. Next time I drag Ray someplace he said he wont forget it. LOL
On Sunday we drove down to Mass to see Ray's dad and grandma we didnt make it down for Easter his dad was at seaand we wanted to go when he was in town. here is a picture of Grandma with Mike and Ray. she is the nicest lady and made me cry. She told me that this painting of the girl praying she was giving to me the next time we go down. She wants her friend to take some pictures of it first. I have loved this painting since the first time I ever went to mass with Ray when we were still dating. She painted it in 1974. and she is still painting and doing different types of art now in her 80's. What an incredible lady.

that is my week in review. this week should be much slower no tae kwon do or scouts since its school vacation I might actually get some house work done this week. ( I hope)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I have not disappeared again it has been a crazy week with little league, tae kwon do, scouts,dentist and work. today we are going to clean a park with the scout (maybe) I dont feel like it and then go to the Denmark sheep fest. I am dragging Ray and Mike with me. Tomorrow we have to drive to mass to see his dad we never made it down for Easter so we have to go visit. I promiss I will have lots of pictures and updates soon.

Monday, April 07, 2008

I love my kids

I have to keep saying it over and over sometimes. especially after the last week I have had. ok remember I told you I bought a dishwasher I was soooo excited. I called the guys to install it last Saturday, called again Monday to see if they got the message, talked to them again on Wednesday am to confirm. I left work Wednesday went for my Remicade treatment and then came home to wait for them. They show up right on time and take a few measurements and say "so when did you want to do this?" WHAT today thats why I called 3 times and took the afternoon off. "well we dont have the right van can we do it one day next week" NOOOO I took the day off for this end of story. I swear they must have decided on the way over I dont feel like doing this today lets put her off. I pretty much told them either today or Saturday or I will do it myself, little did I know that I would end up doing it at the time.
Because Friday was HELL. I went to work and got a call at 8:30 Mike was having a bad one at daycare. he hit a girl and swung a chair at someone. Great just what I need. So I leave work and go get him, I had to go back and do payroll for the day so I had him sit in the truck and think about what he did and write it down. I was so upset. I called the dr and said what is going on he is adhd and his meds over the last year have been great like so good he caught up with his class in all subject needs no outside assistance or anything but the last couple of weeks he had been out of control. we started talking time lines and what has been going on and decided that he is having some type of anxiety thing because he started having trouble at school and getting bad emails on the 13th and I went into the hospital on the 10th. I disrupted his routine and he was worried about me the stress has kinda fucked with him. So today I called the school and talked to the councelor she is going to meet with him a few times over the next couple of weeks and see if he will open up to her. I hope so he was doing so good I hate to see him stressed and sad/mad/worried about everything. He is young and took the stress out on his friends. So we hope thats all it is.
Well after I did payroll I took him home, I did make him go to my boss's office and tell my boss I'm sorry I was bad and my mom has to take me home. My jerk boss was actually cool and said buddy this cant happen again ok try really hard to be good at school. I'm so glad he didnt say something stupid and mean. When we got home I took out the tools and decided fuck it and installed the dishwasher I had just about everything done by the time Ray and my stepdad got there around supper time they just had to actually hook the power up, I had run the wires but not hooked them up, cut the wood for the shelf I didnt have a saw and put the T fitting in the water, I wasnt strong enough and now we have a dishwasher my mom was all like you go girl LOL.

Saturday we got our new mattress delivered I love we will be there around noon and they show up at 4. but we got it and even on the day they said. then we went to see Kats parents mom had made Ray some fudge and raison bread I love them they are great to us. Then we went to church for the roast beef dinner they have the first Saturday of every month.

Saturday night we watched Chris Rock I think I love my wife this is a really stupid movie but a must watch for anyone that has been married over 5 years. Laugh Ray and I laughed out loud for most of the movie. I love when she said my face hurts when he went to kiss her while she was reading in bed, that killed me I thought I was going to pee my pants.

Sunday I didnt go to church figured ah heck I went last night and saw everyone and the new bed felt good.
Sunday night we had meme over for dinner her 79th Birthday is on Tuesday. I made her a shawl and had Michael model it for me outside he was not happy about it at all ( he got his hair cut Saturday also he said it was cold out didnt want to model). I wanted to catch the cables and details of this thing I started it on Thanksgiving day and got it done last week. Kat this is the one I was working on at your house. I got it done just in time. Meme looks so thrilled doesnt she. She said she liked it, we'll see if she ever wears it again. It was my first adventure in cables

So that is all my news for the last week. I did go to tae kwon do tonight for the first time since I had surgery so I'm pooped and going to read a book in bed.

oh hell I almost forgot I have some good news, my daughter went for a drug test today for a JOB can you believe it at that hated W*lm*rt but hey its her first job beside the daycare. I just hope she finishes school thats all I ask get a diploma