Mainiax: January 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

over did it

So on Wednesday after I worked all night I headed straight to the Y. Started with a warm up I'm going to put my full routine down so I can kinda follow along as things change, this is what I did.
warm up
alt knee pull x10, alt quad pull x 10, hand walk x5, elevated crunch x 5 @ 10 #, reverse crunch x8,plank 2x 45 sec, side plank each side 20 sec, hip cross x 8, cobra x 8, modified push up 2x 8, sit ups 1-5-1, 1-3-1.
with ball triple threat 2x 8, single leg reach/traverse 1x5, s/l lift 2 @ 10#, split squats 2-8
medicine ball
squat chop x15 @ 10#, lateral lunge reach x5 each side @ 10#,
seated cable pull down 2x12 @ 70#, bench press 2x8 @ 45#, bench dip 2x8, recline pull up 2x 8, curl x8 @ 10#, press x8 @ 10#, dead lift x8@ 10#, high pull x8 @10#
total time 31:45

after I got done all of this I rode the bike for 2 miles level 10 time 8:39
I decided it was getting late so I skipped the walk and headed to the pool. I'm glad I did because I got some great tips from the lifeguard. He told me to use these foamy things between my legs to help teach myself to breath left, he said I am doing more wrong than right at least. but using the foam things makes your body move properly while floating the back half, but after a full workout and swimming without legs I did my 9 laps 1.4 mile and called it good.

I got home about 10:45, cleaned the rabbit cages and went to bed, Mike woke me up around 3:30. I was half awake but stayed in bed till 5:30 when Ray brought supper home and we got ready for Tae kwon do. Mike had his class till 7 and we started ours at about 7:30 I told Ray, honey I'm done I'm going to head home with Mike and take a nap before work. So he road home with Keith and Mike came with me. I hit that pillow and was out in about 3 minutes got up and now I'm here at work and its slow, I'm glad I got that extra nap or I would be snoozing right now.

Not sure if I'm going to head to the Y tomorrow with Mike we'll see how long it takes me to fall asleep when I get out this morning. I will be going on Friday. I think I may do the routine twice a week and alternate the bike and walk/run but always do the swim I really enjoy that. See how it goes but right now my legs are very sore.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I got out of work today and had an eye Dr appointment, what a rip off I have insurance that covers quite a bit but it still cost a ton because I wanted a contact exam and thats not covered or should I say it will cover either part of the glasses or the contact not both. I didnt get out of there till 10:15 so I went home and straight to bed. Mike kinda woke me up at 3:20 but he was good just to tell me he was home and getting ready cuz him and Ray were going to the Y. Ray is having it a little tougher than me the Y is really busy the times he can go, everyone is out of work at the same time on him. So based on that I have made myself a complete new routine lets see if I can follow it starting tomorrow when I get out of work. I'm going to run over do my thing try to get home by 10:30-11 sleep till 5 go to Tae Kwon Do then grap a nap from 8:30-10:15 and back to work.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday Update

So this weekend was completely, unproductive on the workout front, Friday night I went to work at 11:30 and because I owed the guy that covered for me Christmas morning I had to repay him and work his day shift so I didnt get out until 4pm Saturday. When I did get out I was completely useless.
Sunday wasnt much better we drove to Mass to finish up our Christmas with Rays family. Nobody in my family had met Rays dad or Grandmother so we invited my meme to come with us for the ride. The added benefits we took her car which is really good on gas, and she paid most of dinner at Hilltop on the way home and after the food we had in Mass it was a very good dinner.

Monday morning I had FD training at work that only lasted a couple of hours so I headed to the Y directly after and this is what I did.

bike 2 miles: 7:45 minutes, level 10
walk/run, 25/0 minutes: 1.43 miles, speed 3.5, incline 4.0
swim,warmup, freestyle 50 yrds, cooldown 50 yrds:
1/4 mile 15 minutes, fastest lap 1:05 + 20 min relaxing swim=
total laps 20

I also did about 20 minutes of freeweight work on chest and shoulders between the walk & swim

When I got done I headed over to Walmart to spend the gift cards we got, actually spent more than the gift cards but we wont have to buy household stuff for quite a while which will be nice.
I went and picked up Mike at school and we headed to Trans in Biddeford they have the cheapest fruits and veggies around its run by two oriental people who are so funny she runs the registar never leaves it and never speaks, he packs your bags and RUNS to the door to hold it open for you and keeps saying Tank U tank U. The place is great I get a full hand basket plus 10lbs potatos for under $15 every time. Love it especially now that we have the dehydrator we have been drying lots of pineapples, apples and kiwi I cant wait for the strawberries and other good stuff to come back in season. I am trying to get the boys to eat more healthy snacks so I also picked up stuff to make my own trailmix/chexmix Mike helped and really liked it. Next adventure I'm also trying to get us away from refined stuff, going with natural sugar when I can and using wheat flour instead of white so far they guys havent minded. I cant go gluten free yet its just to costly right now maybe in the future. We really just love pasta to much still :-)

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Training log

I haven't been here in a long time and I decided today that this will be my training for a tri blog. I'm not very athletic but I'm not the type of person to sit still. So a few weeks ago I asked my dear hubby hey can have another kid, hey laughed nope I'm happy so I said ok lets move on if I cant have another baby lets get this body in better shape.
We just got memberships at the YWCA thru work, we went a couple of times and I met some people, I told one lady I have a goal I want to do tri-for a cure in 2011. She said why not this year you have 8 months mmmmm I'm thinking this may be do-able. The Y is having an indoor tri in March its 20 minutes on a bike, 20 minutes running and 20 minutes swimming and they add your times together. I have no plans on winning I just want to complete it.

This blog is now going to be all about my training or lack there of on bad days. I have a plan to go to the Y at least 3 times a week more if I'm not to tired as I work third shift some days are going to be more of a struggle to get there at times. I am going to have Ray take a picture of me in my swimsuit as embarrassing as it will be so I can get before and after pictures if this works I'm hoping there will be a big change between now and August.

Sooooo away we go

So on Thursday 1/7/10 I went to the Y with Mike I did 20 minutes on the Elliptical a little over a mile, then swam 6 laps, and played with Mike for a little while in the kids pool

Friday 1/8/10 went to the Y after working all night and swam 10 laps total had to stop at each end to catch my breath, as I noticed the other day when swimming I tend to only breath to the right side today I focused on trying to teach myself to breath to the left it was quite funny the lifeguard probably thought I was trying to drowned myself a couple of times. But anyways I did my 10 laps which is a little over 1/4 mile next time I'll try to watch my time to see how long it takes I forgot today.