
Saturday, March 26, 2005

two days off left then back to work. We had a great time last night actually got a buz which I usually dont drink enough to do. Jamie and Michael painted eggs and didnt destroy the house so that is a bonus. This morning I took both kids out to breakfast and then Jamie came with me to watch Michaels tae kwon do class he is getting good and really pays attension when he wants to. We took Jamie home after she is really turning into quite the young lady. Her dad went to the docs the other day and has to go in for some test, she is worried even tho we arent together he is a great dad.
I think this afternoon we might go shoot our bows, Michael has a friend over right now its cute watching little boys play. Tonight we are going to memes to exchange easter presents she got michael a game boy which will be nice to have on the ride to Mass. to see Rays grandparents tomorrow.
Then back to work on monday.


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